Saturday, March 20, 2010

Making dinner for my Grandparents

The other week I finally got around to making another dinner for my grandparents. The first I made months ago, and it was Yakitori chicken kebabs from my Cooking Light everyday favorites cookbook. I try to make healthier things for my grandparents, because its good for them, especially my multiple heart attack surviving Grandpa (including 2 just this past January).

So I used a recipe I found on 101 Cookbooks as a base, and took off from there. Its basically the same except I left out the lemon zest and almonds, doubled the cheese and added tomatoes and mushrooms, because I love them. I love spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes anytime. It was a pretty great casserole. It needed a little more flavor, but we ate almost all of a 9"x13" of it (we are not light eaters around here). Next time I would use a more flavorful cheese though. Mozzarella is great and gooey and all, but its just so bland.
I also made a delicious Apple Crisp from It was super tasty. I used unpeeled fuji apples though, for fiber and yummyness, no nuts (I don't like them too much) and margarine in the topping, again for my grandparents. The topping wasn't as crisp and good as usual, and I thought the margarine gave it a funny smell, but it tasted great.
Yummy apple crisp close up. You can tell we didn't like it at all, as there is just so much left over, haha.

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