Saturday, March 20, 2010

I love Fattoush salad dressing, mushrooms, and quinoa. So, I decided to combine them into a delicious delicious lunch. This recipe is also super easy, especially if you already have some cooked quinoa on hand (I didn't, I made some fresh). Its also easy if you have some Fattoush dressing on hand. I am too afraid to try to make some, because I love the kind I get from my favorite restaurant, and there are so many recipes online, I don't want to waste time making one I won't like. That's not very brave of me, but maybe someday I'll make some fattoush dressing.
Yummy Middle Eastern Quinoa Mushroom Bowl
A generous scoop of cooked Quinoa
Freshly Sauteed Mushrooms
Fattoush Salad Dressing

1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy!!
2. I added a 2 because this recipe was so easy. I love quick, easy, healthy recipes. This was a great lunch on a busy day.

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