Today, I write in blue, cause it is super cold outside, and I am sad. Not because its cold, but because I
a) have to clean my lovely little car off every time I leave it alone for a few minutes
b) sidewalks and shoulders are gone so there is no where to run outside
c) a certain chain gym which shall remain nameless can't get the radio signals to work so I can't hear the TVs, which is actually ok, because they also can't change the channels apparently, so I have to watch "Most dangerous penititnaries" and "E! True Hollywood stories" while running. BOOOO!
So. After my morning run (60 min alternating VO2 Max and Active Recovery intervals) and morning swim (1 hour, 4100 yards), well, I went to class and took a test. But AFTER that...ok, I went to the Lib and rented The Omnivore's Deliemma by Michael Pollan and bought some dark chocolate on sale. THEN...ok I had some pot roast for dinner.
Sorry. I am getting to my point.
To cheer myself up I had some light vanilla ice cream (one 1/2 c. serving) with some crushed low fat honey grahams and some thawed frozen berries. It was super delicious. It wasn't very pretty though. I also didn't run upstairs to get my camera. I WILL get better at pictures, I promise.
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