Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Stumble...a lot.

Triathlons! I had to "borrow" some pics for this post :-(

Ok, so I may or may not have a problem, depending on your perspective. I stumble. A lot. My settings are food/cooking, clothes, nutrition, tea and swimming. There is no triathlon setting :-(
And I realized that there are a whole ton of food blogs that are really pretty and I love, and then there are some less pretty but very informative blogs that have a lot of good information on them, and finally, there are just crappy blogs full of stuff that isn't worth reading. So I decided to start a blog.

What I hope my blog will be, will be some information on what kind of training I do for triathlons, some actual, legitimate information that I find online, and a lot of good for you, and really really tasty food. Because that's what I eat. And, since I'm only human and believe in everything in moderation, there will be some very unhealthy food too. Because I love to bake. Especially cupcakes, cheesecakes, and cookies.
Mmmm. Whole Foods!!

So I hope you enjoy, and come back often, and if you like my blog that you spread the word! Thanks for visiting, and enjoy!

I didn't bake this cheesecake. But mine are DELICIOUS!

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