Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This plan may backfire

Recently, I started working as a training lab assistant for my Tri club. Its not so much working as indentured servitude, but I like it because I learn about the lab, and meet all my teammates, and hang out and do tri stuff. However, learning how to do my job was tough. I hadn't really been to the lab before, and had no idea how things worked. So, I kinda had a rough start, ie I broke an expensive piece of equipment that is a pain in the butt for my coach to fix.

I felt pretty badly about this. I'm kind of the new kid on the team, and I messed up, and caused more work for my coach. So, I decided to bake him some things to try to make up for it. Later, my friend Pam pointed out that that may be a bad idea, because now whenever my coach is hungry or jonesing for some baked deliciousness, he's going to yell at me. So my brilliant plan may backfire, but I'm going to hope not.

I decided to make him two, sort of healthy (cause he is a triathlete and tri coach after all) but also sweet and tasty treats (cause, he is a triathlete and triathletes like to EAT). The first recipe I went with was honey nut off-brand cheerio treats. I think I'm going to steal the name of said off-brand cheerios for my recipe, because its a cute name, and the box is cute.

Completely necessary marshmallow shot. Mmmmmm.

Equally necessary finished product shot. These were delicious. You need to make them. Now.
Honey Nut Spinz
6 cups marshmallows
5 cups Honey Nut Cereal
a few tablespoons butter.

Pretty much everyone knows how to make these. Melt butter, add marshmallows and melt, stir in cereal quickly, spread in greased 9x13. Let cool completely, but into squares or triangles or whatever, and ENJOY. Because lets face it, these are freaking delicious.

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